Monday, September 15, 2008

Once a runner....

I'm a long ways from this photo (1992), but I am focused on running cross country this fall. For starters, I'm not running 90 miles a week like I was then....I'm lucky to hit 30-40. But I'm trying to get in some quality and more than anything, have fun out there while pushing as hard as I can. The first race is this coming Saturday, and is here in Seattle. It is a home meet for the University of Washington but luckily there a lots of small schools and other clubs running so hopefully I won't be last and maybe even top 2/3 of the pack.
Training has been going well, ie. no pain or injury, but hard to know what kind of shape I'm in and have no idea how fast to try to run on Saturday. It will be interesting, to say the least, but will then give me an indication for the rest of the season.

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