Thursday, November 29, 2007

Still no luck

Well, without an early race planned, I don't feel pressured to start formal training yet. I have been getting to the gym 2-3x/week which feels really good. I enjoy lifting some weights and the "good" muscle soreness that lets you know you did something. I was still sore from lifting on Monday so I just rode the bike 30 min and swam 1000 yds yesterday with some lunges and pull-ups in between. I won't workout today but hope to bike or get to the gym tomorrow, saturday and sunday. Will try to get out for a run one or two of those days as well. The forecast calls for a chance of snow on saturday which is exciting. I want to go snowboarding and skate skiing a lot this winter.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Dilemma Continues

24 hours later and still thinking about next season. I feel I need some early season races of some sort for motivation to train. I find it too easy to take time off. With my genetics I can gain weight quickly-- well, that and the fact I have little self-control with eating. Training consistently lets me get away with that, but the off-season can be dangerous for me.

I could think about increasing my running this winter and spring and enter some road races. I would really love to run some indoor track races but not sure if there are any divisions for me. The indoor track meets at the University of Washington are mostly college kids and some really fast post-collegiates. In my mind I feel I can compete with them, but the reality is probably not. I've haven't trained just for running in 5 years. I wonder if my body would hold up with a big increase in running volume and intensity? Possibly, if I did it sensibly. But body holding up, and being competitive at a mile or 3km or 5km is a whole other factor.

I guess I have a little time to think about it. But, like I said, I could use some motivation to train. When I was planning on doing Oceanside 70.3, my coach, Kainoa, and I decided that I would increase my base training on my own in December, and she would write formal workouts for me starting January 1st.

I did get to the gym on Wednesday- it felt really good to lift a little and I swam easy for about 15 min-- the first since my Kona swim 5 weeks ago. Today, I have that "good" soreness in my chest and arms from lifting. I've been trying a little yoga since Hawaii also which I really like. I haven't done a class yet- just some home DVD's. I finally got a Seattle Public Library card with the goal of checking out more Yoga DVD's. They have a fairly decent collection but they all have large waiting lists. I'm 15th on one queue, 19th on another. If everyone holds onto them for the allowed 2 weeks, then it'll be summer '08 before I'll be touching my toes. One video did come in on Wednesday: Yoga for Beginners. Perfect. But I suppose it won't make me strong and limber until I watch it and try it. Plus, I need to get it back to the library so I'm not one of "those" holding onto a DVD for the full 2 weeks.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I figure its a good time to start a blog since I'm in the off-season right now.  I'm taking a necessary break from formal training after doing two ironmans (Canada and Hawaii) in 7 weeks.  That was pretty brutal, but worth every minute of pain.  Two great races, and two amazing, yet different experiences.

Now, as I have a slightly more clear mind, I'm sitting down to map out next season.  The race I want to start with is Ironman 70.3 Oceanside.  However, I just found out it is full already- sold out in record time.  I'm really bummed as I really enjoyed that race in 2006 and its one race Justin doesn't mind as much since he gets to see family and friends in San Diego.  Plus it will be the first ever triathlon for one of the guys I'm coaching.  I may still try to go down to watch and support him, but really wish I could race as well.  I was hoping to use it as a qualifier for the 70.3 World Championships, but I heard that the drafting issue was terrible again at this year's race (held last weekend in Clearwater, FL).  I saw this problem first-hand at the inaugural race in 2006, but it sounded like they were taking big steps toward preventing/discouraging this for 2007.  Apparently not.  Now I don't even want to go to World's until this problem is handled.  I find it surprising because every other 70.3 race I've done has been such a great experience.

I also heard all North American Ironmans are sold out for 2008 as is Vineman 70.3 in California.  Our sport is growing so fast that its getting harder and harder to get into races.  I need to start planning my 2009 season now in hopes of getting into these big races.  But its hard to plan life so far away.  Plus, 2009 will have a big Europe trip as the next Outgames are in Copenhagen that summer.

As far as competing in 2008, I'm only sure about racing 70.3 Lake Stevens, a local race, in July. We have a great trip to Italy planned in early June so that rules out a lot of May and June triathlons for me. Don't worry, I'm not complaining- I'm very excited for Italy.  I just need to do more research to see if I can find other good races in April and later in the summer.


Wow, my own blog.  What the hell do I write?  Can I even attempt to be creative?  Will anyone read this?  Oh well, if not, might serve as a good journal for me.